Im havin a very difficult time with probs at home, financial wise and that is really botherin me, its hard for all of us at home, but we are somehow managing it. Now the happiness i get comes from the 2 people whom im always talking to or have been there for me, Paul n Chitra, Chitra has been always there eva since ite days.. her family knows abt me, to me chitz is like a sister i never had. Thats how much i like her. We sometimes give in to each jus to avoid hurtin one another, thats the sweetest part in our frendship. LoVe Ya Di!! The True love, the soulmate, the friend all i thout wouldnt be.. thats how u turned out to be now. Guess this is wat fate is. Everything seemed okay, everyone seemed happy. Your parents ur aunt ur bro all had all the nice things to say. Now when all u said to me abt them, they think your not puttin in ur effort, your lost in ur own world, ur not proving them that u can do well, u act as if u dun need them anymore! All they think the reason behind is "ME!", they question if i wud stay by u thru ur ups n downs, they doubting if im gonna be there, wat more worse can there be?? All this is mean, wen they didnt like me from the start why pretend to? if they thought i wud leave u why say all that they said. Why do they have to be so nice to me n then do all this.. i guess all this words were caused out of anger. I understand, im sure she didnt mean what she said, haiz!! all i wanna say is i love my baby wit all my heart.. no matter who tries to seperate us.. "can go fly kite!!" Love ya baby!!
U know jus talkin abt him to someone or just thinking abt how he has been in my love.. just makes me feel so proud of him.. im proud of u da.. proud of what a person u have become. The responsibilities u take charge of at home, in school and when ur wit me. Im happy just thinkin abt us. I can neva be happier when i know now that ur the one im gonna be with.. i jus wish i didnt go thru wat i went thru before, but becos of the other person is when i realise my love for u, thats y wen he asked me back and when i was out with him, i realise my heart wasnt there.. i didnt feel the way i used to feel wit him. My heart was only wantin to know what u were doing? that way i realised that its u i wanted to be with.. after all the times he hurt me, all the things he shudnt have done, after i knew what he really was like. The pain was unbearable.. but i got over it all becos of u, with u bein there it felt like u took the pain away. With all my mood swings and all my temper, u are still able to say to me" I Love U Baby.." that is something which cannot be replaced wit anything. When u say somethin to me, i know u really mean it, i may not be the person u see to myself, but i know u hate it wen i go "ya rite!! just shut up paul!" =) hahaha now i know how annoyin i can get.. but hey never the less its me.. n tts how im always gonna be.. and i know u love me for tat.. muax bee.. ur jus wonderful.. u r the sweetest guy ive known..
hmm... interestin title aint it.. hahaha!! happens n lives in everyone.. 2 ppl from diff walk of life.. can actually share their lives together, ppl has done lots of things for the word love, everyone will for sure go thru fallin in love in their life... some ppl only fine true love after their marraige, comin straight to the point, Me n my bee.. despite our squabbles, arguements n all tat small small quarrels which is needed in every relationship, everything feels soo true, so real, i have no worries abt our future, i know he wants to do anythin n everythin he can jus to spend his rest of his life with me. I wish everyone meets their special someone someday... Chitra is yet to find hers.. and im sure she will be the best partner anyone can eva have..